Welcome, and thank you for visiting the church that is located in the community; for the community. God has strategically planted the MVBC family in this building, where we have worshiped God for over 80 years.

Here at Mount Vernon Baptist Church our mission is to promote abundant and new life through a relationship with the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This relationship is strengthened through consistent biblical and practical teachings, as well as fellowships with others.

It is our endeavor through the help and guidance of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, to be a place of refreshing and refuge. We believe that the door to salvation is always open and so are the doors to this ministry. We are fully devoted to the teachings of Jesus and give of ourselves to be examples by opening our arms and sharing to those in search of truth. We show God’s love and concern for our fellow man by opening our ears, our hearts and our doors to listen and love at every opportunity.

As we greet you we show and share our love for Jesus Christ. Our prayer is that your experience today will inspire you to share God’s love with those you meet in your life’s journey.

In His Service,

Pastor Bernard C. Smith

Upcoming Online Services: Sunday at 11:00 AM


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