JUNE= Action
Today's Scripture: 1 Samuel 2:3 KJV
Talk no more so exceeding proudly; let not arrogancy come out of your mouth: for the Lord is a God of knowledge, and by him, actions are weighed.
It's a new day... It's the beginning of a new week... It's the first day of a new month. A call has been placed. It's a loud one. Who will answer???
The First Book of Samuel describes the transition of leadership in Israel from Judges to Kings. I Samuel Chapter 2 verses 1 -11 is titled: Hannah's Prophetic Prayer.
There is a shift taking place. There is a transition going on.
THOUGHT: We are at a time where silence is no longer the way. There has been a call to action. There is a call to order... There is a call FOR order...There is a call for change... There is a call that we all are hearing. There is a call... Action... The right action… The proper action...
What action are you called to...? Make sure your actions are in order. Make sure your actions line up with the call for change, impact, and order.
Make sure YOUR ACTIONS line up with your call to change, impact, and order.
REVIEW: GET THE FACTS. Act on the facts. Act IN the facts...Act in order ... Your actions are being watched. Your actions are being taken into account. Your actions.
We all have a part to play... Make sure that part is constructive and not destructive.
Purposed Learning for Purposed Living - in all aspects of our lives...❤❤❤